
2014-03-07 09:56:28阅读:44


  What will you do in the US?
  Have you traveled abroad before?
  Why do you want to study in the US?
  How many schools have you applied? How many of them accept you?
  Which schools did you apply to and why did you choose this one?
  What is your major/concentration/field of study?
  Do you plan to work in the States?
  What’s your plan after graduation?
  Do you have any relatives in the US?
  What do your parents do?
  How long will you stay in the US?
  Why do you want to further your study in the States?
  Do you have an advisor?
  Have you any scholarship?
  How do you know this university?(签证官拿着I20时可能会问)
  Where did you get your bachelor degree?
  Do you have any work experience? How many years have you worked?
  What is your career goal?
  A. 如果申请者的专业是敏感专业,如生化、EE、ME等,在准备材料时要尽量避免设计到国家安全、恐怖组织等信息,以免被Check;
  B. 当被问及未来是否回国问题时,注意要尽量回答自己有回国的打算,打算以后回国就业。这样避免美国留学签证官误认为你留学是为了留在美国就业。

  • 姓 名:
  • 男孩女孩
  • 手机号码:
  • 微信号:
  • 学历:
  • 意向国家:
  • 选择省份:
  • 选择城市: